Event Details
Event Title ITCMS Workshop: Proteomics
Location Zoom
Sponsor UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
Date/Time 12/09/2020 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Sarah Howard sarah_howard@med.unc.edu
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Proteomics (elective) - This workshop covers the basic principles, experimental design, and data analysis platforms for protein mass spectrometry experiments. Discussion topics include highlights of several upstream biochemical approaches, an overview of peptide fractionation by liquid chromatography, and the inner workings of ion trap mass spectrometers, including principles of ion detection and fragmentation. Lastly, the basic guidelines for data analysis and interpretation are presented. Workshop leaders: Lee Graves (Faculty Director, Michael Hooker Proteomics Core Facility.


UNC - Chapel Hill